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(1 edit)

Hi! This game looks very intriguing, and my friends and I would love to try it out. However, reading through it, I couldn't make sense of the "total failure" option of recovering fortune (since you are not prompted to roll for non violence, so failing is not really an option - unless it refers to failing on violent actions?), until I looked at the Spanish version where rolls are part of non violent actions.

This made me think - is one simply more updated than the other, and if so which version should I follow? Or am I simply misunderstanding something?

Hi! The english versión is SERIOUSLY outdated, as it hadn't gained any traction for almost a year. So, dont worry if it doesnt make any sense, this is a VERY early draf (we are on version 3.9).

I'm working on translating the spanish version. 

Yes, it made no sense originally. It pretty much meant that instead of spending fortune to succes, you chose to have the worst outcome possible happen so you and your group could recover fortune (a very high cost).

I see, thanks for responding, I'm excited for the updated English version!