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Otto Garay
Otto Garay
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¡Mascaritas Sagradas! Segunda Caída
¡Un juego de rol de lucha libre paranormal Pulp!
Otto Garay
Algo se está comiendo a los niños
Una horrorosa historia sobre infancias
Otto Garay
La Gran Tiranía
Un juego sobre la obsesión con el poder
Otto Garay
Crónicas Solares
Un juego de Tecno-fantasía
Otto Garay
Godless Dogs
A deadly RPG about mercenaries finding peace
Otto Garay
Perros sin Dios
Un letal rpg de mercenarios buscando paz
Otto Garay
Crónicas Salvajes
Un juego de Espada y Hechicería antediluviana
Otto Garay
The Crimson King
A cosmic horror Campaign
Otto Garay
Comuna Eldrica
Un juego de Comunidad y Horror
Otto Garay
Nunca Estuviste Aquí
Una Travesía emocional para entender a tu difunto padre
Otto Garay
El Rey Carmesí
Una horrorizante campaña sobre la luna
Otto Garay
Into the heresy
Un Juego de rol en el milenio 41
Otto Garay
La tercera Era: Tudor
Una ciudad de Aventuras Sombrías
Otto Garay
La pesadilla del Gorrión Rojo
Una campaña de horror Trágico
Otto Garay
Un Lugar Llamado Farwood
Rol En tu idion
Otto Garay
Una alternativa a la HP de D&D
Otto Garay
¡Desastre de Vals!
Otto Garay
Mega Tank!
In Mega Tank! you are part of a massive battle tank in the final battle of the war. Can you and the crew survive it?
Otto Garay
Cool addons
A waterlogged FIST mission about bloodthirsty soldiers.
Modified Public Domain Art
Public domain art modified for ttrpg (or other) projects
7 semillas de terror
Semillas de terror para tus partidas de rol
Fran Núñez Gavira
18 Engraved Textures
18 Engraved Textures for Game Designers & Artists
Vandel Arden
Thumbnail Sheets
Printable sheets for sketching and mapping layouts.
Explorers Design
Wolves Upon the Coast Grand Campaign
A 'dark ages' hexcrawl.
The Isle
An adventure for The Vanilla Game or another fantastic or historical roleplaying game of your choosing.
Spear Witch
TTRPG Art Pack
10 pieces of CC-BY art for all uses
Friends and Foes
60 odd VTT tokens!
Odd Gob
Legacy Content Pack
TTRPG art assets, rules, and adventures!
Odd Gob
Chao's Art Pack: Fallen
A baroque art pack
Whispers of the Dead - Issue 3
Third issue of the Delta Green fanzine
Staggered Amusement Machine
Tools of the Trade - Issue 1
Tips, tricks, troops and traps for Tabletop Roleplaying
TTRPG Design Project Templates
A whole project structure in a zip file
Pandion Games
Block, Dodge, Parry - A Levelless, Classless Expansion of Cairn
Expand your Cairn (or other OSR) experience with diegetic character choices and meaningful decisions!
Dice Goblin Games
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition - Quick Reference Sheets
A quick reference handout for players learning to play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
Anders H. L.
Dungeon23 Asset Pack
Graphic Assets Pack for anyone working on the Dungeon23 challenge.
Lone Archivist
A plague-ridden shithole for Fallen and other grim RPGs
Cool RPGs
A d20 fantasy game of base building, survival, and perilous tactical combat.
Not a beer!
Calen Heydt
Cairn Segunda edición - Guía del jugador
Escrito por Yochai Gal
La Esquina del Rol
Risen Ashes - RPG - Zombies
Muchos cuentan la historia de como vivieron. Pero esta es tu historia, la historia de como moriste.
Fear & Hunger unofficial ttrpg
Unofficial tabletop rpg for fear and hunger, made with love.
A Shonen inspired TTRPG
Joel Happyhil
GMless game of tragic, broken soldiers trying to get Home in the apocalypse.
Mail Order Apocalypse
Putting the Post back into the Post Apocalyse - an Into the Odd Hack
Wandering Blades RPG Quickstart
Lethal wuxia melodrama in an old-school inspired tabletop RPG package by Daniel Kwan
Daniel Kwan
TEETH: A Roleplaying Game
Occult criminality and monster-hunting in a cursed corner of 18th-century England
Eerie Stories - Edición Primer Fenómeno [SPA]
Juego de rol. Horror Lo-fi para 3-6 jugadores.
Bandit Republic
An inter-war hexcrawl
Tom Mecredy
1978: The Night They Came Home
Two-player competitive slasher rpg
World Champ Game Co.
You're In Space And Everything's Fucked
Nevyn Holmes
The Devil's Brand
Wild West. Old School. Minimalist.
Will Phillips
Rules Light High Fantasy Roleplaying
COSMIC Toolkit For Role Playing Games
This is a set of mechanics for playing or creating a d20+d6 role-playing game without corporate attachments.
Destroy all Dungeons! Death to all Dragons!
A game about rebellion, resistance, and revolution
Tragos Games
A roleplaying game about intelligent rats in a grimdark fantasy setting
Wesley K. Dance
TTRPG Design Project Templates
A whole project structure in a zip file
Pandion Games
Robo Knights Mini Tokens
A pack of tokens of robot knights
Feuer in Soho
Monstrous Menagerie - Stock Art Set #1
Free stock art full of creeps
Tania Herrero
The Cursed Art Pack
A collection of eerie images featuring otherworldly creatures suitable for TTRPGs, zines, books.
Francisco Lemos
A tiny artpack for VoV
A tiny artpack for VoV
Souls-Like Art Pack
Perplexing Ruins
Free FALLEN art pack
Transparent .pngs for your grim dark ttrpgs
Roque Romero
Feral Indie Studio Art Pack - Dungeons & Delves
Twenty spot illustrations for dungeons and ruins.
Feral Indie Studio
Feral Indie Studio Art Pack - Delvers and Gloryseekers
Twenty spot illustrations for depicting knaves, adventurers, scoundrels and loot!
Feral Indie Studio
Feral Indie Studio Art Pack - Astrogothic
Contains 20 spot illustrations for depicting a grim and dark future of space knights and scenes
Feral Indie Studio
Feral Indie Studio Art Pack - Gods and Offerings
20 spot illustrations of the divine and esoteric
Feral Indie Studio